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Last updated: May 25, 2018
This following document sets forth the Privacy Policy for Natural Plus Plus, LLC, Natural Plus Plus is collectively known as “RefreshingCleanWater,” “we” or “us”.
RefreshingCleanWater recognizes that your privacy is very important, and we take it seriously. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use, disclosure, and sharing of your personal information or personal data when you use the RefreshingCleanWater Web Site. This Privacy Policy applies to activities by RefreshingCleanWater and its partners, affiliates and subsidiaries.
The Information We Collect
We collect information directly from individuals, from third parties, and automatically through the RefreshingCleanWater website. Your data does not expire from our systems after any given period of time.
Account and Profile Information: When you create an account and profile or join our list on the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite, we collect your name, contact information, and other information you provide, such as topics that you know about or find interesting.
Communications. When you communicate with us (via email, phone, through the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite, or otherwise), we may maintain a record of your communication.
Automatically Collected Information About Your Activity. We use cookies, log files, pixel tags, local storage objects, and other tracking technologies to automatically collect information about your activities, such as your searches, page views, date and time of your visit, and other information about your use of the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite. We also collect and may store information that your computer or mobile device provides to us in connection with your use of the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite such as your browser type, type of computer or mobile device, browser language, IP address, mobile carrier, unique device identifier, location, and requested and referring URLs. We also receive information when you view content on or otherwise interact with the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite, even if you have not created an account. For more information, see the “Cookies, Pixels and Tracking” section below and our Cookie Policy.
Engagement. We collect browsing information – such as IP address and location, date and time stamp, user agent, RefreshingCleanWater cookie ID (if applicable), URL, unique advertising or content identifiers (if applicable) and time zone, and other information about user activities on the RefreshingCleanWater WebSite. We may also receive information about you from third parties, such as other users, partners (including ad partners), or our affiliated companies.
How We Use Your Information
We do not sell your personal data – such as your name and contact information – to third parties to use for their own marketing purposes. RefreshingCleanWater uses the information we collect for the following purposes:
To communicate with you about your use of the RefreshingCleanWater Website, respond to your inquiries, provide troubleshooting, and for other customer service purposes.
To tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you in the RefreshingCleanWater Website, to suggest content, to offer location customization, and personalized help and instructions, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using the RefreshingCleanWater Website.
Marketing and Promotions. For marketing and promotional purposes, such as to send you news and newsletters, special offers, and promotions, or to otherwise contact you about products or information we think may interest you, including information about third party products and services.
To gather metrics to better understand how users access and use the RefreshingCleanWater Website; to evaluate and improve the RefreshingCleanWater Website, personalization, and to develop new products and services.
Comply with Law. To comply with legal obligations, as part of our general business operations, and for other business administration purposes.
Prevent Misuse. Where we believe necessary to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person or violations of our Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy.
How We Share Your Information
We share information as set forth below, and where individuals have otherwise consented:
Service Providers. We may share your information with third party service providers who use this information to perform services for us, such as payment processors, hosting providers, auditors, advisors, consultants, customer service and support providers.
Business Transfers. We may disclose or transfer information, including personal information, as part of any merger, sale, and transfer of our assets, acquisition or restructuring of all or part of our business, bankruptcy, or similar event.
Legally Required. We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law.
Protection of Rights. We may disclose information where we believe it necessary to respond to claims asserted against us or, comply with legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), enforce or administer our agreements and terms, for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation, and protect the rights, property or safety of RefreshingCleanWater, its users, or others.
Metrics. We may share aggregate statistics, metrics and other reports about the performance of their ads or content in the RefreshingCleanWater Website such as the number of unique user views, demographics about the users who saw their ads or content, conversion rates, and date and time information. We do not share IP addresses or personal information. We may also allow our advertisers or publishers to use Pixels on the RefreshingCleanWater Website in order to collect information about the performance of their ads or content.
Cookies, Pixels and Tracking
We and our third-party providers use cookies, clear GIFs/pixel tags, JavaScript, local storage, log files, and other mechanisms to automatically collect and record information about your usage and browsing activities on the RefreshingCleanWater Website and across third party sites or online services. We may combine this information with other information we collect about users. Below, we provide a brief summary these activities.
Cookies. These are small files with a unique identifier that are transferred to your browser through our websites. They allow us to remember users who are logged in, to understand how users navigate through and use the RefreshingCleanWater Website, and to display personalized content.
Pixels, web beacons, clear GIFs. These are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, which we use to track the online movements of users of the RefreshingCleanWater Website and to personalize content. We also use these in our emails to let us know when they have been opened or forwarded, so we can gauge the effectiveness of our communications.
Analytics Tools. We may use internal and third-party analytics tools, including Google Analytics. The third party analytics companies we work with may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other websites and/or other online products and services. Their collection and use of information is subject to their own privacy policies.
How We Protect Your Information
The security of your information is important to us. RefreshingCleanWater has implemented safeguards to protect the information we collect. However, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure. We urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe, such as choosing a strong password and keeping it private, as well as logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser when finished using the RefreshingCleanWater Website on a shared or unsecured device.
Access and Amend Your Information
You may update or correct your account information at any time by logging in to your account. You may also make a number of other adjustments to settings or the display of information about you as described in more detail in the following section about Your Choices.
Your Choices
Opt-In Forms: You may, of course, decline to submit information through the RefreshingCleanWater Website, in which case we may not be able to provide certain services to you. You may also control the types of notifications and communications we send, limit the information shared within the RefreshingCleanWater Website about you, and otherwise amend certain privacy settings. Here is some further information about some of your choices:
Emails and Communications. When you join the RefreshingCleanWater Website by signing up for an account, creating a profile or joining our list, as part of the service, you will receive emails and newsletters containing content that we believe may match your interests. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you transactional e-mails about your account or any services you have requested or received from us.
Transferring Your Data
RefreshingCleanWater is headquartered in the United States of America.
Children’s Privacy
We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 (or under the age of 14 for anyone living in Spain or South Korea) or knowingly allow such persons to register. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the relevant age without parental consent, we take steps to delete that information.
Links to Other Websites
The RefreshingCleanWater Website may contain links to third party sites or online services. We are not responsible for the practices of such third parties, whose information practices are subject to their own policies and procedures, not to this Privacy Policy.
When you make a website purchase from us, the information necessary to complete that transaction, including your billing and shipping address(es), your email address, any phone number(s) you supply, the type and quantity of products purchased may be recorded in a database. Your payment details are processed during the transaction by the eCommerce provider, We do not receive, nor do we store, your credit card information.
When you place an order by phone, our order-takers accept the information you provide, enter this into our eCommerce payment systems which then process the order.
Our hosted online shipping software,, contains a database of all shipments made through the system and integrates with our eCommerce platform, 3dCart.
All data collected by us is collected only with your permission or implied consent as part of the essential processes of transacting business with you.
Your data is used solely to provide you with information, products and services and to ensure that we understand you and your needs.
As per applicable laws, you have the right to review, update, correct or delete your data upon request. To make a data request or file a data complaint with us, send an email with the following subject line: “Personal Data Request” to:
Contact Us
RefreshingCleanWater welcomes your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.
Natural Plus Plus, LLC
Ideal Earth Water
Refreshing Clean Water
1884 McKinley St
Clearwater, FL 33765
Changes to Our Privacy Policy
If we change our privacy policies and procedures, we will post those changes on this page. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that materially change how we treat your personal information, we will endeavor to provide you with reasonable notice of such changes, such as via prominent notice in the RefreshingCleanWater Website or to your email address of record, and where required by law, we will obtain your consent or give you the opportunity to opt-out of such changes.
Enjoy mountain-spring
quality water in your home.
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